USPA Officer's Cup Results (8 Goal)

Congratulations to Team USPA on winning the Officer's Cup!
Herndon Radcliff, Nick Snow, Pedro Lara & Josh Shelton.
Tonkawa player's Troy Lequerica Jimmy Seward, Mason Wroe
and CJ Lequerica gave Team USPA a run for their money.
Nick Snow was awarded MVP.
Best Playing Pony was awarded to Jimmy
Seward's sixth chukker mare, Sugar.
Bracket 1:
A. Tonkawa (4-1)
B. Fairplay (1-1)
C. Cinco Canyon Ranch (1-3)
D. 7 Bar W (0-3)
E. Pegasus (2-1)                                

Bracket 2:
F. Eureka (1-1)
G. Propaganda (0-2)
H. USPA (4-0)
I. Arroyo Escondido (1-2)

Game Scores
Sunday April 14th
Tonkawa (9) vs. Fairplay (8)
Eureka (8) vs. USPA (9)
Cinco Canyon (9) vs. 7 Bar W (8)

Tuesday April 16th
Arroyo Escondido (8) vs. Propaganda (5)
Pegasus (8) vs. 7 Bar W (6)
Cinco Canyon (5) vs. Tonkawa (6)

Sunday April 21
Tonkawa (9) vs. 7 bar w (7)
USPA (11) vs. Arroyo Escondido (8)
Fair Play (9) Cinco Canyon (8)

Tuesday April 23
Pegasus (9) vs. Cinco Canyon (7)
Arroyo Escondido (10) vs. Eureka (14)

Thursday April 25th
USPA (10) vs. Propaganda
Pegasus (8) vs. Tonkawa (10)
Fairplay (5) vs. 7 Bar W (4)

Sunday May 5th
Tonkawa (9) vs. Team USPA (10)